Cape Cod Sportfishing Charters on Atsakeepa Too. Specializing in Striped Bass, Bluefish, Scup, Seabass, Tautog, Sharks and Bluefin Tuna.
Come join us for an unforgetable day of Cape Cod Charter Fishing on the waters of Nantucket Sound, Vinyard Sound, Monomoy Island and East Of Chatham, Massachusetts.
We have some of the most productive waters for early season Scup, Seabass, Tautog and Squid fishing in the Northeast. Striped Bass and Bluefish invade Martha's Vinyard and Nanucket Sound in early June through late October. Heading east in early July to Monomoy Island for Striped Bass, Fluke,Seabass and Bluefish throughout the summer months. School Tuna and giants arrive east of Chatham in early July and frequent the Great South Channel until late October yearly. Sharks arrive in July and fishing is great until late October in the waters east of Chatham or south of Martha's Vinyard.
We are centrally located in Cotuit, Mass. @1 Oyster Place road off main street Cotuit. Reserve your trips early with Capt. Barry Fraser at cfraser@meganet. net or 1-508-367-2283. Cape Cod Charter fishing since 1987 having fished these waters for over 35 years you will have a trip to remember.
30' Crosby Canyon |